I have been reading too many books at once. The result of this is it takes me longer to finish any of them. But this morning, I did finish reading
Home Education by Charlotte Mason. This is the first in her 6-volume series; I like this particular version since it preserves the original language written in the late 1800's, not so outdated as one might think.
This series is becoming foundational to my homeschooling philosophy. I wish I had discovered her sooner. David will reap the benefits more than the older kids; but I do see that her teaching does reinforce the things we have already been doing for years, so I don't think we've messed up too badly.
Here's a quote from the end, which wraps up her teaching, putting it solidly on the base of teaching children about Jesus:

"Here is a thought to unseal the fountains of love and loyalty, the treasures of faith and imagination, bound up in the child. The very essence of Christianity is personal loyalty, passionate loyalty to our adorable Chief. We have laid other foundations - regeneration, sacraments, justification, work, faith, the Bible - any one of which, however necessary to salvation in its due place and proportion, may become a religion about Christ and without Christ. Perhaps this may be because, in thinking much of our salvation, we have put out of sight our King... In the idea of Christ is
life; let the thought of Him once get touch of the soul, and it rises up, a living power, independent of all formularies of the brain. Let us save Christianity for our children by bringing them into allegiance to Christ, the King."
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