Dudley Hall on Preaching the Gospel
"When good seed falls on good ground and is received there is fruit. I am now, more than ever, convinced that the issue is the message. Tweaking the methods and trying to substitute technology for living truth just doesn't work. Jesus commissioned his followers to proclaim his kingdom message in all the earth - knowing that it produces His rule when it is heard and heeded. It is the greatest honor to join the chorus of gospel preachers throughout history in echoing that transforming sound. It is true that hell's strategy is to silence the sound by corrupting it with other sounds that cater to those who have itching ears. There are many sounds being made in the name of the gospel that will ultimately produce death. The clear sound from the Word (the living Christ) produces a life of love that by its very nature changes everyone it touches. This battle of the sounds will rage until the end." - Dudley Hall
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